Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Evaluation-Final Commedia Performance

-What were the strengths of your performance? 
I think our performance was strong in the ways that, we had only one prop which was the chair. Also, we tried very had to communicate using gromalot, and we brought up audience members two times during the show. I tried to lead with open hips and stay down to earth, while also trying to remember to move in figure of eights. Especially with my gromalot, I tried to be very expressive and exaggerate my emotions. There were many mimed interactions with the environment and invisible props. The scene was slightly above two minutes which was in the discussed time limit. 

-If you were to score your performance, what would you score be? 
I would score myself a 30/35 or an 8/10 because I feel that I often attempted to exemplify my com media character (the witch) and think I was mostly successful. I think I had complex and varied exaggerated facial expressions and there were bold interactions with the audience, which included having them come onstage and feel comfortable, being able to lead them through. There were more than 5mimed interactions with the environment and I think they were all clear. As mentioned before we used fewer than 3 props. I tried to make my commedia status especially in relationship to the fact that I was a witch and Aditi was the First Actress. I believe the scene was a little longer than 2 minutes and so was within the discussed time limit. Finally, I think my gromalot was mostly understandable even if it was similar the entire time. 

-Overall, do you think you did your best in this performance? 
I think I tried my best but could have done better by being more clear about my actions in some parts of the act. I was also told that all my gromalot sounded very similar the entire time, and so I could have done better in that area. I remember trying to keep low and represent the witch, but continually forgetting that. 

-What could you have done to improve your performance if you had the opportunity to perform it again? 

If I were to do this performance again, I would practice a bunch more times, so that the main structure was completely learned, but so that a little bit was still slightly improvised, as I think that makes things funnier. I would also

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