Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Love of Three Oranges

When I first attended the MS Play CCP, I wasn't sure exactly what we would be doing. Then I got my script and really read the story, and I loved it. In the beginning, I wanted to be the narrator, because I thought it would be quite an interesting role. But during auditions, I changed my mind. I no longer wanted to be that character, I wished to be Fata Morgana (dun dun dun), the dark, powerful witch. I thought I could do better at this role, and have more fun with it, as she is the main evil character. I was so excited when I found out I got the part.

The end process of putting together this play seemed a bit rushed. In the beginning, it felt like we had loads of time, but after auditions, it was a month and a bit. Then a month, then two weeks, and before we knew it, it was time for the show! I really tried getting into my character for this show. I would practice my inflection and projection, stand in front of the mirror and speak my lines to myself, randomly go up to Adhora and scare her, and overall try to be sinister and wicked.  Every rehearsal was a chance for me to become someone completely different onstage, and that was exactly what I intended to do.

On Wednesday the 26th of March, 2014, the cast and crew of The Love of Three Oranges had our first and only proper dress rehearsal, the day before the show. It did take us a reeeeeally long time, however I think I did quite well. I remembered almost every single line of mine, got really into character and made sure to project clearly, while going through my scenes at an appropriate pace. I would give myself an 8 because I personally think that I developed the skills I needed to learn really well and I was able to completely become my character. Also, my ideas were clear as my character and I think I did a good job at acting like the witch.

When I compare both nights, I think the first night was the better performance. Although the sound cues got messed up a lot, I think that made the performance itself all the more hilarious. Before the show I was so nervous, I think I started to hyperventilate a bit. But when I went on stage, I was comfortable in my character, and I knew what to do. When I finished my bit, I knew I could do the whole rest of the play, no sweat. In the end, I loved the play so much, and wished I could watch it some way. Everyone performed really well, however I think Rehnuma and Adhora did the best because Adhora completely became the prince, and Rehnuma was just plain hilarious the entire time. I would again rate myself an 8 out of 10 for the same reasons. I think this is what most of us would get, with the exception of a few, like Rey, Adhorra and Kheilah, who I would give a 9. I think the best part was the messed up sound cues because when I compare it to the second night, the first got us many more laughs.

The second performance was lass of a trial and more of a "we got this, we can do it" sort of thing. The sound cues were pretty good, which was the one big blip from the night before, but personally I liked the first show better. The second show I pooled my hair up like crazy so that I would look like more of a witch. I was supposed to wear a wig, but my character is sort of clumsy and falls twice, so when I practiced that with the wig it just didn't work. The second night was also worse for me personally because I forgot a line and had to make something up while I panicked, so I sort of skipped a few lines. I don't think the audience noticed, but for the rest of the night I was kicking myself for forgetting. Everyone did amazingly in the show again, and the grades I would give them would be the same, however, I would bring mine down one because I made the really obvious mistake in my opinion.

I really got into my character this time, which I was able to do easily. I am proud of  this because most of the time it doesn't happen that naturally (could be something to worry about, but whatever). I will take away a lot of my new learning about the 80's and this will be a show I will never forget. I would have to say, my favorite things about this were: my costume (loved it) and the part where I took over the story (felt very proud of my character).

I really learned how to get into character, but also how to interact with the others in my ensemble, age differences aside. I really liked the fact that it was ladies and Rafsan, because I think that made me feel more comfortable. Although they were long, I enjoyed some of the later rehearsals because it gave me a chance to relax backstage with my friends and overall have a fun time. For next time, I will try to fully memorize my lines, because that was the one big thing that really bugged me, because I forgot one line on stage, on the final night. However, overall this was an amazing experience and I really enjoyed it.

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