Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Classical Commedia Characters-Notes

The World Of Commedia

Masters, Servants-masked

Magnifico-Like eagle, looks down, when he dies, another appears. Most powerful, top master. Leads with head

First Actor/Actress-Part of court of magnifico. Parents of romeo and juliet. Non-masks. They act with masks, as they are real masks. 
Young Lovers-Children of Pan and Doc. Good education. Could become aristocrats. Just becoming grown ups. 
Pantalone-Merchant, version of magnifico who lost teeth. Mean and "vinegary". Very needy. Mag and Pan live on same. Scruge, Mr. Burns
The Doctor-Man of learning, knows everything, understands nothing. Large, oozes words and thoughts. Belly first
Columbina-Like doctor, pan brig, and harley all together. 
Brighella-Cunning, "mind". Maitre'd like, welcomes guests. How will i benefit, whats in it for me. 
Harlequin-Stupid, unlike Zanni, supid because he doesn't always use logic. He is a "body" character, very happy go lucky, he is amoral. Very acrobatic, cheeky. Monkey, pig (always hungry) Playful. Artful dodger, loose hips
Zanni-Like pigeon. Peasent who came to city, extremely curious and enthustiactic. Magnifico's servant. 
Witch-Magnifico of country, dark, powerful, earthy. Moves in figure of eights. Freedom
Capitan- Solider, spanish? Swagger. But really would do anything to avoid fight. 

Lead with another part of the body. Get the feel of the character. Be bold. 

All together, they are like fireworks. 

The Witch-Amara
Magnifico- Faiz
First Actress-Nafisa
Brighella-Sapph ( Closed hips )
Doctor-Seong Soo

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