Sunday, January 26, 2014

Being Brighella 3:D

Part 1: Performance Task 1 Self-Assessment 
--> What choices did you make for your rough draft performance? 
I did not have a rough draft performance in class, but I performed for a classmate of mine. When I did this, I decided to be sneaky and steal something, then blame it on someone else when I was accused. 

-->How much time did you spend practicing for your performance? 
I think in total I spent about an hour and a half practicing my performance

-->What specific feedback did you get from your Rough Draft performance? 
When I performed for Amara, she said that my hips were too open, it was unclear what I was trying to do, and I needed to have more facial expressions.

-->What did you choose to change for your Final Performance? 
I chose to make my performance shorter, so it only featured my main point and that it was clearer. I also tried to look much sneakier, and instead of steal something, I exchanged it. 

-->How did you feel your Final performance went? 
I think it went very well, and that most people understood what I was trying to show. 
-->What specific feedback did you get? 
I was told that I looked sneaky, communicated with the audience, when I bowed it also showed the servant side and included audience, and that I "blamed" the audience for the crown theft. I also received feedback advising me to be a bit more suave and have smoother movement, like a fox perhaps, to be stealthy. 

-->How did you feel your performance compared to stock character from video (for Classical Group only)? 
I think I did well. I tried to lead with closed hips, and I tried to do something which would benefit me. These were th key things mentioned about Brighella and I think I showed them well enough. 

-->What score would you give your performance out of 10 using Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.

I would give myself an 8 out of 10 because I formed ideas and a theme and realized how they related to my character. I also think I showed a good ability to develop the skills and apply the techniques and process to present my performance with a good level of proficiency. 

Part 2: Performance Task 1 Peer Assessment 

-->Pick someone who's character is completely opposite than the one you chose. 
Nafisa as first actress

-->Evaluate their character based on what you know about the character. 
I think she did really well. The first actress is supposed to be very formal and sort of like a princess from what I understand. I think she showed this very clearly. She had a little fan in her hand, and walked arm in arm with someone who I would imagine to be as the first actor. She seemed quite sweet and she curtsied which seemed very appropriate given her character. Her interaction with first actor was good, however there weren't many interactions with the audience. 

-->How close did they come? What did you like about their performance?
I think she came quite close to the first actress character. I really liked the fan, it was a nice touch and just made her character that much more obvious. Also, I liked how she was interacting with someone else, as if they were on a date, I thought hat was very nice. 

-->What do you think they could have improved from their performance?
I think she could have included the audience a bit more. There weren't any obvious take-outs so that is one thing to improve upon. The other is that she could have held herself higher. As if to show her importance. After all, she is the first actress. 

-->What score out of 10 would you give them using the Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.

I would also give her an 8 out of 10 because I honestly think she formed ideas and a theme and realized how they related to her character. She showed a good ability to develop the skills and apply the techniques and process to present her performance with a good level of proficiency. And I think she did very well. 

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