Monday, March 3, 2014

Being Beatrice (Final)

--What choices did you make for your rough draft performance? 

For my rough draft, I decided to wear glasses, button my shirt up completely, tie my hair back, hunch over, pretend to read a book, get hit by someone, and play chess with my friend.
--How much time did you spend practicing for your performance?
I spent enough time practicing for my final performance. I would say in total, maybe 45 minutes.
--What specific feedback did you get from your Rough Draft performance? 

For my rough draft, I was told that I should exaggerate the contact from the "hit" that makes me drop the book, I should go slower and be more hesitant, the glasses and chess were a good touch, I had good facial expressions and a constant posture.
--What did you choose to change for your Final Performance?
Right before my performance, I asked Farah to walk into me several times, so that it would be more clear that when someone wasn’t there that I had bumped into them, even though the audience could not see a physical form. I chose to walk slower, and tried to be a lot more hesitant while performing.

--How did you feel your Final performance went? 

I feel that my final performance went quite well. I was able to accurately act what I wanted the audience to see and take from my performance. I am proud, because I was successfully able to communicate my character and how she acts to the audience.
--What specific feedback did you get?
The feedback for my final performance was that I could have waved to the friend I brought up before asking her to come up. Other than that, I had better movement and more hesitation that was clear; there was a good hit and good take-outs to the audience. I won the chess game which and had a good use of gestures and I also interacted well with my friend.
--What score would you give your performance out of 10 using Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.
I think I deserve a nine out of ten because I think there was a purposeful and effective articulation of ideas, themes and personal interpretation to a point of realization. What I acted out was clear, especially in moments like the hit, winning the chess game, etc. There was a common theme of being the quiet nerdy girl and I interpreted it in my own way. I think I also showed an excellent ability to develop the skills and apply the techniques and processes involved in creating, performing and/or presenting art at a high level of proficiency. I performed well enough that everyone understood and I also took into account my feedback to improve my performance.

Peer Evaluation: Amara

I choose to evaluate Amara for her final performance. Her character is completely opposite to mine and I think she did very well performing it. I like that she acted very hung over, and that she interacted with Nafisa. If we were in real life, I would want to help her because she seemed very confused and slightly sleepy. To improve the performance I think she could have been a little more clear with Nafisa as to what she wanted her to do. Other than that I think she did quite well, but I preferred her draft performance. 

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