Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Two households, both alike in dignity...

In fair Verona, where I do not lay my scene. :P

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present my script, for the Prologue of Romeo and Juliet, marked with notes of: costume, tech, inflection, emphasis, and all other things I need to know to make my scene the way I want.

So, for my scene, I had originally chosen to be a reporter on scene. For example, when a disaster strikes then the newspeople change to a reporter on spot. However, I decided this was not best and decided to change it, because the reporter on scene thing wouldn't really work. You normally have to have the background of the scene, which wasn't available to me. I decided to do some sort of a talk show, with a special episode on Romeo and Juliet, which made much more sense. The only thing I use is one big, comfy chair, like where Ellen sits in her show. I think this is a good choice because the prologue is supposed to be the beginning informative bit of Romeo and Juliet, so a talk show, which informs the public about celebrities, current events, etc. would be a good idea. Because I am doing this in the setting I have chosen, I don't speak like I normally do. Instead, I try to project more, and use more inflection. In places where I think I should sound questioning, I change my expression so that it matches and I use a tone which is questioning. I think this seems more like a talk show person, which is what I am aiming for. For my physical choices, again, I am thinking about being like Ellen, my main model. The aim is to be comfortable, but formal. I speak slowly, because I am introducing the whole play, and clearly because I need everyone to be able to understand. I try to hold my head and shoulders high, to be confident, and not look down too much. I also use hand gestures to show things, like the two households, etc. Overall, think Ellen DeGeneres. :D

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