Friday, May 2, 2014

Shakespeare VS Baz Luhrmann- Who did it best?

In my opinion, without any disrespect to Mr. Baz, I think this version of Romeo and Juliet is horrible. From the movie, I can clearly find one Shakespearean element, the language used, which was probably very similar to the script. I didn't like the artistic concept he chose for the piece, and I don't think it suits the story. I think the characters and actors chosen to play them were appropriate, however, I think the modernization of everything except the language really didn't go, as that is an essential part of something that relies so heavily on the spoken words. I don't think they focused enough on the more important parts, like the part where Tibalt is killed by Romeo and when Romeo and Juliet suicide. The movie was long but not too interesting for me, and when we started watching the original in

I think it was a good idea to have Verona in a modern city, which seemed (to me) similar to a less flashy Los Vegas. I really liked the setting, and think the casting was really good, however, Juliet looked more like a 16 year old than a 13 year old, which really annoyed me, as one of the things about this play that stood out to me was their age difference. I liked the setting and thought it went well with Romeo and Juliet, because it clearly showed the division between the two families. It was evident that one side of town seemed to belong to the Montagues and the other side the Capulets. I think the director made some poor choices, such as when he made it loo like Romeo purposefully killed Tybalt. In the original script, it is more like an accident when Romeo kills him, but here, Romeo looked at him and shot multiple times. This made me personally feel that Romeo deserved to be banished, as he had killed someone and the Prince had warned that whoever disturbs the peace would be killed. Even if Tybalt had killed his friend, he should't have reciprocated. Choosing to have guns rather than swords also didn't work for me because with swords there is more of a fight, whereas with tunes, it is just a shot and the person is dead. The final thing that I really disliked about the movie was the filming itself. It seemed very sudden and jerky, especially in the fight scenes. Overall, I do not think this was a good movie and I didn't like it very much at all.

I don't think that Shakespeare would have agreed with this version of his play, as it is very different and doesn't go. If Baz really wanted to "revolutionize" the play, I think he could have made the effort to change the language, which is the main thing that I strongly dislike about the movie. I think Shakespeare would have criticized this version of Romeo and Juliet because it strays from the original a lot, even if it keeps the language and the overall main scenes.  There was not enough effort put into very important scenes, like the part where Romeo and Juliet commit suicide, and I don't think Shakespeare would have appreciated that. Baz Luhrman did not do Shakespeare justice in my opinion and I think he could have done much better. I strongly dislike this version and prefer the original because it sticks to what was written and does the play justice.

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