Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Say Yes!

For our drama work, we have to read from a radio script. These are the characters and the sound effects we need:


Sound effects-

Glug glug
Clears throught
Sucking/cleaning sound
Thudding sound as Laura hits Q.
Stepping sounds

Dun tun tun.... (at the end)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I think the video shows an individual, trying to fit in. Trying to wear a mask and be like everyone else. However, that is not possible, because she is unique. She is the only one in the video wearing a white mask. Not only that, but hers is the only mask that is so ornately decorated. The beautiful swirls and streaks of color, along with the two butterflies make her stand out even more. I think in the end, part of her mask broke, which may have freaked her out, but then she realized she didn't need to wear the mask. She could be who she wanted, mask or no.
I think this video relates to people in real life because people wear different masks. They may not be physical, but they are there. Being in a different social group. For example, with popular girls, who are obsessed about make up, etc, one might wear a mask like that, and show interest in those subjects, however, on the inside, or below that mask they might actually love music and dancing. What we do and our favorite activities define who we are and what masks we wear.
In my social group, I have my five closest friends, Farah, Thiyasha, Kheilah, Amara and Nafisa. I enjoy reading and swimming, so those could be two of my masks. I love to act and adore music, so an artistic mask could be another. Maybe if I went to a new school, I would wear a different mask, one like the people at the new school, to try and fit in. You are going to see my masks, but be warned, I'm not a great artist, and it was done on the computer, so this isn't exactly what I had in mind, but it's close enough.
My third mask (the one on the top) would reflect my artistic side. It would be a white, with pink and purple and turquoise patterns. The lips would be a darker pink, and the eyes would go from dark to light pink while expanding out in a teardrop shape (around the eye). There would be swirls and streaks where the colors would mix and mingle. It would be a delicate, abstract mask, like music can be.
My second mask would show my athletic side. I am not very athletic, but I like to swim, play volleyball and run long distances. This mask would also be white, but its color scheme would be comprised only of blue. Because sports are very competitive, this mask would not be delicate, but extremely harsh and abstract. Explosions of color would come down from the top of the mask to the bottom, gold glitter, to symbolize going for first place, would shimmer atop the blue. There would be crazy patterns, and stars.

My first mask (the one resting on my face) would be made of words. There would be words in different colors to make my eyebrows, my lips, my eyes, my lashes, and any finer details. This would symbolize my passion for reading and gaining knowledge. Words put together make sentences, and those sentences help us understand new things. My eyebrows would be brown, my eyes outlined with black words. My lips would be a light shade of pink, and my cheeks would have a rosy spot. It would look like an ordinary, colored mask. But if looked at closely, one would see all the words, that make up every detail of who I am. (Although, this is not the case for what is in the image, as I did it on the computer and so I could't put the words there)

Commedia Dell'Arte!

Commedia dell'Arte originated in Italy, around the mid-15th century. It flourished in the 16th century and was extremely popular. Commedia dell'Arte means comedy of artists. It seems to be an old form of improv. comedy. Italian theatre historians believe that commedia started as a response/reaction to the crisis and situation in Italy in the 1600's.
This form of acting, is mostly improvised, however, characters, relations, situations, etc. are all clearly outlined beforehand. Common characters that are found in Commdeia dell'Arte are Pantalone, Gratiano, Pedrolino and Arlecchino (or Harlequin), Capitano, amarosi (the lovers), villains and other characters. The performance originated in Italy, but later spread throughout Europe. Artists would perform on outside stages, with a simple set, using props to make it more detailed. Also, not to forget, each character had a mask.
Each performance was based on a general line, with the story and characters changing from troupe to troupe. There was the basic plot structure and is commonly based around two lovers, in a struggle. Over the years, actors have performed as a specific role or as a mask. Costumes are specifically worn to show the character being portrayed, along with the mask. Different props and set pieces can be used, in accordance with the general outline. Lazzi are bits and pieces of jokes, that all performers should have ready to put into any situation. There are different  lazzi's that help create different characters. An example of a lazzi  for Capitano, is him threading to beat someone up, but having an extremely long list of why he cannot do it at the current moment.
After a while, Commedia began to fade, when the best actors died, or retired. However, the spirit of Commedia dell'Arte still exists today. Although long deceased, Charlie Chaplin is among one of the funniest men of his time. In his silent films, Charlie had characters, each being very distinct, and having a specific style. Similar to in Commedia performances, (he directed his own films) he made only a general outline of what would happen throughout his performance and would improvise many different versions until he thought he had gotten it right. It is actors/comedians like him, who continue to remind us of Commedia dell'Arte.

Other sources are cited through Pinterest :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Welcome, welcome, to the 75th annual Hunger games! Haha, just kidding.

Hi! I'm Sapphire Faruque. I'm 13 years old (as of October 19, 2013) and this is my blog for my drama class. I love drama. It is one of my favorite subjects. Every year, I participate in the school play, and my entire family calls me a drama queen. :) I am a vivid reader, and being able to show an audience something, while I am someone completely different, feels awesome. It's as if I am a part of a book come live. However, aside from books and reading, drama is super fun and I have an awesome time during all the aspects of a performance (planning, learning, rehearsing, performing, etc.). So, thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you find it interesting!

Here is my Pinterest if you would like to check that out as well:

Sapphire's Pinterest account